"I adore Laura. She is direct,
honest and accurate. She has mounds of experience and knows how to
be the consummate professional. Her focus is on evolutionary
astrology. When I go for a reading, it is to help me find my path
in life, follow it and really grow as a person. That is what she
does. She also gives you space to ask your burning questions."
Robin R
"I reserve my highest regard for those I
share my deepest feelings with. Mindful to express the Respect and
Honor that Laura has earned. An example akin to my experiences
with Laura would be when people come to me with questions about my metal
detector. I don't tell them about the windings of the coil, nor do
I mention the circuits or software. For they are concerned if it
works, not how it functions! I simply point to my "Treasure Chest" and
say behold, "just look inside"
When people go to Laura with their questions - She looks Inside"
Steve W.
"Astrology always seemed mystical, woo woo, out of touch somehow.
Laura brings a very grounded realism to its study. I have really
enjoyed learning from Laura, and her guidance has been invaluable"
Aylin L.
"I am enthusiastic about Laura's gift as an astrologer. I receive
great benefit from her readings and have sent many people to her for
their own astrology reading. Laura has consistently given my
friends and patients a beneficial though not always easy mirror of
themselves and their path; these people have benefited and continue to
benefit in their lives from the perspective Laura provides with
astrology " Lora R.
"Astrology is a representational system, refined over thousands of
years, that helps us understand the influences affecting our current
place in the matrix of space/time. Laura helps me understand what
they are and then integrate that information into my life. It's
immensely useful to me on both a day-to-day level, and in the overall
living and life planning." Suzanne S.
"Through Laura's teaching, I became aware of a new spiritual door.
Stepping through this door has been enlightening. Laura challenges
and encourages us in class - She provides wisdom and information while
leaving space for us to develop our own philosophies and styles.
After a year and a half in classes with Laura, I realize how much I have
learned and grown. For the first time in my life, I am able to see
and understand myself and other more clearly, with a healthy dose of
objectivity; without taking things so personally. Laura has gifts
as a true teacher; insight, intuition, empathy, passion, wisdom and
inspiration, all of which she carries out in a down to earth, practical
way." Tara A.(student)
"When I first signed up for Laura's classes, I thought I was simply
looking to learn a bit more about astrology; instead, I found a powerful
guide to self-knowledge and analysis. A gifted teacher, she
provides real tools for self-discovery. . .to me, this was far more
valuable than the dozens of books and web sites I'd previously explored
on the subject. As a Capricorn, Laura is firmly grounded in what
is of practical value; learning to understand yourself through your own
intuition and the aid of an ancient, symbolic language. Plus, it
was a lot of fun! I am extremely grateful for the experience"
Jonathan B. (student)
"Laura has incredible insight and the ability to communicate Astrological
events into patterns that I can work with. Whenever life seems to
not make sense, tumbles out of control. . . I call Laura for a Solar
Return and Transit reading. Everything falls into place. She
gives me concrete ways I can make a difference and work with the Transit
vs fighting against it. I consider Laura an invaluable 'tool' in
my bag of tricks to make life run smoother." Shelly S.
"I have worked with Laura for many years. I always come away
from our sessions invigorated and informed. I appreciate Laura's
professionalism and dedication to her work. She has changed the
way that I look at my time here on earth." Jennifer F.
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